Heal from anxious attachment, GLOW UP into a High Value, confident AF, and self secure Woman. Permanently transforming your relationship…and life.The Self Love Boss

Anxious Attachment into THAT Girl
You are done owning the role of a Woman suffering with low self esteem, little self value, and zero self worth. Chasing for reassurance, and settling for bare minimum in relationships, and life.
It is time to de-activate that desperate need for approval, love, and ever constant seeking for reassurance from others that you are enough for them!
You are over the self critical and debilitating feelings of inadequacy, the hopelessness when you compare yourself to others, the all consuming issues in your relationship, and the crazy ass people pleasing driven by the validation you are seeking externally.
Are you ready to truly heal your abandonment wounds, create a next level story for your future, and permanently become THAT girl, who love, life, and all the things work easily for? Become the QUEEN of detachment and attraction.
Then I welcome you to THE confident AF Woman PLAN. An academy infused with magic for Women to take their power back, activate the Woman they have always dreamed of being, to believe their value is worth millions, and to unequivocally know they are THE top catch, prize, choice, and calibre.
To become magnetic to love. And irresistible to the best ever kind of treatment.
Women following my Confident AF Woman formula like their daily bestie, are becoming Women of such high esteem, respect, and validation, that the love and life they once chased, is now chasing them.
THAT Girl Activation season has officially begun.
Build a foundation of unapologetic self love that makes you magnetic AF. Level up to your highest self, with standards so high, everyone see's your worth.
THE glow up bubble to empower your magnetism for love, & abundance in all of life. A core belief and energetic imprint for you to become THE most self loving, validating, secure, and attractive Woman on the planet. A blueprint to create your life through, that activates joy, love, all you want to manifest on an increasing basis. The unconditional love, and value, that internally re-wires every cell of your being, & makes you irresistible. Knowing you are the best ever choice. Replacing the anxiety, emotional dysregulation, questioning, doubting, disbelieving, & self criticising with a permanent trust in love, and in the Universe adoring you. Embodying a life changing identity of confident expectation, that you are worthy of everything you desire. THE confident AF Woman.
Do You Want This?

Confident AF & Self Secure Identity
Radiating with overwhelming, and unconditional self love, respect, and value, your GLOW UP self identity is outstanding. You own your worth, you know what you deserve. Updating your self identity to become the Woman of your Dreams, and magnetise in the healthy, forever lasting, love of your life. Loving yourself, and regulating your nervous system is THE most powerful protocol. Healing and letting go of the past noise, and nonsense, the identity you didn't even ask for, to re-invent yourself exactly as YOU want to. So secure in yourself as THE top catch, prize, choice, and calibre. You now value and hold yourself to such a high regard. Living in your body with calm, mesmerising self confidence, believing you are the luckiest, most loved, and adored Woman alive. The directions your mind, as your faithful servant, then seeks out proof of. Seeing yourself, and your partner through the lens of love, in love with life, knowing everything is working out, and unfolding for you. Saying goodbye to triggers left, right, and centre. Becoming the Woman you have always wanted to be, internally, and in relationships. Knowing who you are, respecting yourself, and seeing love through a whole new perspective.

Forever lasting, Soul Mate, Healthy Love
Imprinting your mind with new codes abundant in self love, confidence, respect, and belief that life, and people just love you, you will show up in your relationship as a totally new Woman. Centred, stable, care free, and regulated. A healthy partner for your person to fall madly in love with all over again. Giving them the space to heal too, as your mind is no longer wired to show you evidence from your partner that disempowers you. Your mind has the blueprint to seek out evidence in alignment with your glow up. Subconscious beliefs like a goddess, and a balanced nervous system, you become everyones dream Woman. Easily letting things go, because they mean nothing to you, about you. You feel no emotional charge towards other peoples own issues, and moods. You get to be the compassionate, and loving partner too without over giving and under receiving. No more waiting on them to confirm your existences worth. You effortlessly own your self respect and value, as no one gets to validate your worth anymore. In return this will be mirrored back to you, with all the love that has always been there, the respect that has been waiting, and the person you fell in love with. You have positive expectations of yourself, of your partner, and of the forever lasting, soul mate, healthy love, that has always existed.

Confident Women know their worth. Self secure Women are MAGNETS to dream relationships.
Forget people pleasing, putting your partner above your own inner worth, and waiting on them for validation of your human existence, and follow THE formula to become a Woman of undeniable high value and worth. Magnetise in the kind of forever love, adoration, and treatment that you desire. End that repelling chase for someone else, fall head over heels in love with yourself, and watch as the roles reverse.
THAT WOMAN of 2025.

MODULE 1 - Setting you up for rapid success.
You will taken through an abundance of knowledge that will purposefully support you to understand how your subconscious mind is working, and how it is influencing the life, and relationship you are experiencing. With this in depth information, you will know why I say "science cannot fail you". There will be no giving up on the reprogramming tools, the identity work, you will know how they work, and all it takes is time to see results. PLUS an outstanding nightly hypnosis to wire your mind to get the most phenomenal, dreamy results that you wish for from this course.
MODULE 2 - The therapy (RTT) that changed my life.
I will take you through an extremely powerful therapy session, as a clinically qualified RTT therapist, you will experience a profound shift within instantly. We will use hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, and psychotherapy to uncover the root cause to your current anxious attachment, low self worth, and relationship issues, so that we then have a clean slate to invent the past, future, and identity YOU want to have. There is nothing else quite like RTT. From there you will have let go, released, and transformed your past. Followed by THE most powerful hypnosis recording with specific words, visions, beliefs, and emotional state for you to become your dream WOma
MODULE 3 - Embody HER. Your confident AF plan.
This is where the fun begins, you get to create the human being you desire to be. This module will have worksheets for you to create your specific blueprint which is going to transform you into a MAGNET for forever lasting, healthy, soul mate love. And thats not just with your partner, but YOU will fall madly in love with you. A combination of proven methods that get fast results, including subconscious reprogramming tools made just for the students of this course. Along with an in-depth video training on how to form your plan, make it work for you, and stick to it.
MODULE 4 - Nervous System Regulation. THE calm in confidence.
Your nervous system works as a bestie with your subconscious mind. So let's hack the two together to work in the direction of the visions, wishes, and prayers you have for yourself and your love life. You will master how to be the calm in any kind of chaos, and have all the tools to stay focused on the best ever end goal, regardless of your current circumstances. We will de-activate your anxious attachment alarm, and update it with your outstanding self concept glow up.
MODULE 5 - Forever lasting, healthy, soul mate partner manifesting.
Here is where my work really stands out. Let's manifest PHENOMENAL relationships. Not only do you need to hold yourself in high value and esteem, but you need to re-train your mind in that direction for your partner too. You are confident, healed, stable, secure, and worthy AF. Feeling on top of the world as an entirely new Woman, the Woman you dream to be, with a ridiculously calm nervous system, and extremely high levels of self respect. Now you get to play in the field of manifesting tools to experience the partner you are with, as the love of your dreams. These are methods I have used, my 1:1 clients have used, and have gotten "unbelievable" results with. Are you ready to experience the brand new you, brand new partner, and brand new relationship, that all your besties are going to be asking what you've done?
MODULE 6 - She's worth millions and billions.
This is my very HOT mini course on tiktok, The High Value Woman Activation. After working with an abundance of Women all over the world I have found specific powerful traits, mindset, and tools, that have given them outstanding results in their relationships, with exes making their way back, and such unwavering confidence in themselves that their business success explodes. I have put this together in this module for you to give you the exact formula to manifest an insane life in 2024! You attract what you embody. The end.
BONUS enrolment gifts...
- On enrolment you will immediately receive an evening hypnosis to set your mind up to receive the best results during this course. As though your order has been placed, and it is now a signed and sealed contract with the heavens above.
- PLUS you will get my much loved 'THAT WOMAN affirmations' to begin the re-coding of your mind, into the most self loving bubble.
'THE confident AF Woman PLAN'
As a clinical hypnotherapist my super power is subconscious reprogramming. I will share with you the proven methods, tools, and information that got my clients, and myself outstanding results. As you step into an entirely new identity, that of a Woman who's inner value is worth MILLIONS AND BILLIONS, your relationship will move in accordance. You will experience life changing healing, understanding, and transformation within yourself. Elevate and be free from low self esteem, and anxious attachment, to GLOW UP and become the most self secure, self validating, respecting, and confident Woman you know. Living a life thriving in love.
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