£999 (£199 x 5 monthly payments)

THE confident AF Woman PLAN

Permanently heal anxious attachment, and become the Woman you dream of, magnetically confident, self respecting, validating and secure in yourself. BECOME the version of you that love, respect, and adoration chases. A Woman who owns a value worth millions. That forever lasting, soul mate, healthy, reciprocal, respectful love is waiting on the other side for you.

What you'll get:

  • Science backed hypnotherapy to heal anxious attachment, and permanently glow up your self concept. Become a brand new Woman, the top tier, top chosen, and top prioritised version of you.
  • Proven methods to transform your self concept and become THE confident AF Woman. Glowing in HIGH self esteem, worth, and respect.
  • Combining subconscious re-programming and nervous system regulation for THE most rapid, and permanent results.
  • Powerful subconscious re-programming recordings specifically made for the students on this course to get outstanding results.
  • 6 never seen before modules with education and tools that have never been delivered in the same way, and get rapid relationship results.
  • 6 live Q&A's each Friday for each module. All saved. 
  • Life long access to using these tools/information to level up yourself, and your love life forever more.
  • Life time access to all additional tools, modules, and content added to use at your own pace.

DISCLAIMER - purchasing this course you take full responsibility for your results.