What clients are saying...

Become The High Value Woman. A Magnet To  The Life You Dream Of. 


Sammi's 1:1 packages are for Women who want rapid results. To heal their low self esteem, insecurities, limiting beliefs, permanently heal from anxious attachment, and stop the past from repeating in your future. Activating a complete re-invention as the most self secure, confident, and magnetic version of yourself.


Do you desire profound transformation in yourself, with a powerful self concept that then upgrades the life you are living to the highest standard?


Do you dream of attracting in the most safe, respectful, and highly valuing relationships? To believe you are chosen, cherished, and loved?


Do you wish to live a life where you deeply believe the Universe is bending over backwards to give you what you desire, and that is dominantly you experience?


From either the 4, 8, or 12 weeks package (links to apply below), you will experience an inner transformation beyond what you will have ever had before. Beyond what your traditional talk therapy, or just coaching can do. As Sammi combines neuroscience backed RTT Hypnotherapy, with coaching, and subconscious activation plans, to permanently heal, and GLOW UP your identity.


A full embodiment experience from not enough, not worthy, and not loved, into the luckiest, blessed, and most valued Woman alive.


Your self identity will radiate above and beyond the low self esteem, and anxiously attached wounds that are currently blocking you. Your belief systems will shine with worthiness and confidence as you let the self destructive, and sabotaging programming go.


A total re-invention, to become the Woman you desire to be, secure in yourself, stable in your nervous system, confident in who you are, and to get your biggest wishes fulfilled.


It is time to live life on your terms. Love yourself unconditionally,  know your phenomenal worth, and receive the life changing happiness, fulfilling success, limitless abundance, and forever lasting, soul mate love, that is circulating around you. Guaranteed for you.

What clients are saying...

The High Value Woman 1:1 Package - 4 weeks


4 monthly payments £361

  • 1 Rapid Transformational Therapy session. Max 1.5 hours. A hybrid of hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, and psychotherapy in one method.
  • Personalised Powerful nightly hypnosis. With the specific identity, beliefs, and future you want to activate and attract.
  • Personalised High Value Woman Activation plan to follow daily.
  • Abundance of neural science, subconscious mind wiring GLOW UP daily activation recordings, and nervous system regulation tools.
  • 1 coaching call.
  • Daily access to me via WhatsApp or email in between for rapid results over the 4 weeks.
  • Access to the online coaching portal containing my foundational courses THE confident AF Woman PLAN, and The High Value Woman Activation.

The High Value Woman 1:1 Package - 8 weeks


Most Popular - 4 Monthly Payments £499

  • 1 Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions. Max 1.5 hour session. A hybrid of hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, and psychotherapy in one method.
  • Personalised Powerful nightly hypnosis. With the specific identity, beliefs, and future you want to activate and attract.
  • Personalised High Value Woman Activation plan to follow daily.
  • Abundance of neural science, subconscious mind wiring GLOW UP daily activation recordings, and nervous system regulation tools.
  • 2 coaching calls.
  • Daily access to me via WhatsApp or email in between for rapid results over the 8 weeks alongside personalised tools for your goals.
  • Access to the online coaching portal containing my foundational courses THE confident AF Woman PLAN, and The High Value Woman Activation.

The High Value Woman 1:1 Package - 12 weeks


5 Monthly Payments £577


  • 2-3 Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions. Max 2 hours each session. A hybrid of hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, and psychotherapy in one method.
  • Personalised Powerful nightly hypnosis. With the specific identity, beliefs, and future you want to activate and attract.
  • Personalised High Value Woman Activation plan to follow daily.
  • Abundance of neural science, subconscious mind wiring GLOW UP daily activation recordings, and nervous system regulation tools. 
  • Bi-weeky coaching calls.
  • Access via WhatsApp or email in between for rapid results over the 12 weeks.
  • Access to the online coaching portal containing my foundational courses THE confident AF Woman PLAN, and The High Value Woman Activation.

What clients are saying...

Do you ...

  • Have a dream version of who you want to be, and the live you wish you could live, but find yourself blocked, and self sabotaging?
  • Suffer with anxious attachment. Struggle to control your emotional wellbeing. Feeling stuck in battle of doubt, lack, disbelief, feeling inadequate and unworthy?
  • Find yourself in the same situations, same relationship problems, and life experiences with no idea why or how to change it?
  • Feel like you aren't enough, worthy, loveable, or deserving of love or the life you desire?

  • You've tried everything and are not getting the results you want. You feel like you are chasing love, and it's running away from you?

  • Fear being judged, rejected, or abandoned, and so you suffer inside with a very low sense of esteem. Often not showing up with respect, boundaries, or value for yourself?
  • Wish you were enough to be loved. Struggling with a core belief theres something wrong with you, making you beneath others?

  • React to your environment, allowing it to control your emotional wellbeing, and often feel triggered by people and situations?
  • Wish you could be the best ever version of you, confidently unapologetic, authentic, and magnetic with self love, and a HIGH high inner value?

  • Believe life just doesn't seem to work out for you. And you are ready to activate, code in daily, and attract everything you desire, and more?

Client Testimonial

Anxiety, Depression & Self Doubt – 

I came to Sammi for my anxiety, depression and self doubt. I found Sammi through her podcast which I loved so much. I was already having hypnotherapy, I wasn’t looking into RTT but soon realised the therapy I was having wasn’t working. RTT helped me to understand my problem, I was constantly beating myself up about my life choices, and having RTT helped me to find the root of my problem. It helped me to realise I was carrying a burden for 32 years, from childhood, and gave me an amazing outlook on life. I am used to a therapist that doesn’t say anything at all, with RTT it felt like a really good friend was supporting me and helping me through it. The weekly check ins and the recording made me see the light at the end of my journey, they were a game changer. We got to the problem straight away and so left the rest of the time to focus on moving forward. I didn’t feel like I was sitting at the Dr’s being analysed, with Sammi it was a really warm, lovely and supportive space. I think RTT is priceless, I have paid thousands over the year for therapy and the fact that one session at a fixed price is what helped me, says it all. I would pay so much more, its life changing, it truly has changed my life. I couldn’t even do the smallest of tasks like getting out of bed and walking my dog without anxiety kicking in, In fact the day before my session I was walking my dog and had a panic attack, I was stood frozen in tears, that hasn’t happened to me once since. I am so much more confident and aware, I am aware of my triggers and choose to stay away from them. I now have the power to control my happiness, and see that I deserve my happy ending like everyone else. An un-expected benefit was I now sleep soundly, before I used to wake up with crippling anxiety and had a total of 2-3 hours which affected my entire day. I would recommend Sammi a thousand times over, and I already have. There are no words to describe what this has done for me, I am forever grateful. 


Aisling Linehan


Heal Sabotaging Wounds 

Understand the root cause beneath your insecurities, self doubt, and your lack of self worth.

  • Modern, effective, hybrid, & award winning therapy RTT, combined with specialist coaching support to form and follow your new blueprint.
  • Healing permanently the cause of your wounds. Healing your heart, forgiving all you need to let go of, and operating on the highest vibrational frequency.
  • A total internal re-invention using neural science. Powerfully becoming the best version of you, and manifesting what you dream of externally too.


Become that Confident & Secure Woman

To profoundly transform the relationship with yourself, significant others, & your life.

  • Using the life changing power of your subconscious mind, to update your self concept exactly as you want to believe, think, feel, and act.
  • Once you are the best version of you, Mrs Self Secure, confident AF, embodying the Woman you have dreamed to be, then we rapidly transform the area of your life you desire to the most. 
  • Science cannot fail you. If someone else on the planet has what you want, you can too. With the subconscious reprogramming personalised tools you will Quantum leap into your next level.
  • Falling in love with yourself, and your future. Using your personalised GLOW UP tools on a daily, obsessive basis. Unbelievable results are already waiting for you on the other side, when you become HER.


Manifest the Love, and the Life you want

Loving who you are, unequivocally confident in your worth, and trusting life is working out for you. Become the magnet to which you manifest everything from. 

  • 4, 8, or 12 weeks package includes from of 1-3 RTT therapy sessions (based on your package choice). Access via messaging/voice note support with 24 hour response. Personalised blueprint workbook ABUNDANT in coaching tools, to form your daily 'future self' embodiment plan. And bi-weekly coaching calls (package dependant).
  • Post therapy session - Personalised blueprint to follow daily. Morning visualisation meditation. Nightly personalised hypnosis. Personalised affirmations recording. And much more.
  • Powerful personalised hypnosis, meditation, and affirmations will re-wire your subconscious with your dream self, to live your best life. (Updated with each session).
  • Tools, backed by neuroscience to regulate your nervous system and permanently let your past, along with all that self sabotage, go.
  • Bi-weekly coaching call to support you in your transformation. Following your personalised blue print workbook, coaching tools, & tips for rapid results into the reality you desire.
  • Optional daily support from Sammi via method chosen (WhatsApp/email), as much as required throughout. The shifts with this container alone is life changing.
  • Access to the online coaching portal with the best of Sammi's TOP courses.

Imagine if ...

  • You really believed in yourself, in your worth, and held a level of unconditional self confidence, value, and content, that you finally erased your mental suffering, and self sabotaging. Unwavering fulfilment in yourself, with a regulated, and calm nervous system, that changed the trajectory of your life. You are now wired to turn shit into gold.
  • You built your day around life changing manifestation self love practices, that permanently code in the Woman you want to be. Becoming a magnet to what you desire externally.
  • You felt unconditional self esteem, high self worth, respect, and confidence in the Woman you are. No longer in toxic triggering cycles of self sabotage, especially in relationships, or any other area of life.
  • You become a radiant, magnetically attractive Woman from the inside out. Lighting up every room you walk into, attracting your people, and feeling unapologetically confident in everything about you.
  • You built such a powerful, and beautiful loving relationship with yourself, that your longed for love life, nourishing health, and dream career, or business, manifested as an effortless bi-product.
  • You obsessively implement habits from the intention of love, confidence, and worthiness. Being the love you have always needed. Capable to carry yourself through challenges, knowing it's all going to work out for you.
  • You truly felt the most confident in your own skin, and in who you are. Showing up in your life whole, complete, satisfied, and healed. Extremely attractive to everything on your vision board.
  • You felt like a born again Woman. Fully living life. Fully loving who you are. Fully achieving the dreams you never thought could be possible for you.
  • It felt SAFE to be seen, to be heard, to be loved, and to let yourself love unapologetically. Your abandonment PTSD wounds where permanently transformed.
  • Internal wounds have been cleared. You've never felt so happy, or grateful to be you, and to have your life. Knowing the best is yet to come.
  • You woke up every day with internal peace, joy, and freedom inside that nothing can shake anymore. This is you now. Everywhere you go, people feel this confidence, and love from you. It completely transforms your day to day life experience.

  • You invented the highest, best version of you. Let go of your past. Live with a new story, in love with your future, and watched as you attract more love, happiness, and success right back into you life. Doors open, beautiful humans appear, and manifestations unfold in ways you never imagined.
  • You saved yourself. Healed from anxious attachment to secure. You saved your relationship, experiencing your soul mate, forever love. You saved your family. Life really gets to be this good.

Join the Membership

If you want to try some of Sammi's work before jumping into a 1:1 package, Sammi's membership 'The Luckiest Girl In Love', provides the best of her hottest, monthly updated, and most current work. 

Enrol Here

What clients are saying...

“Thank you so much Sammi you have changed my life & I am forever grateful. The benefits & gains have been beyond anything I could have imagined. I used to really dis-like myself, restrict food, obsess over food, & exercise because of such low self worth. This has been a transformative journey that has changed my life, & allowed me to develop a true sense of self love, belonging, & inner peace. I value myself so much.”

Tegan Foley

I wanted to get out of the binge-restricting eating pattern, & now I feel free & like my life has changed. Working with Sammi has removed the food & body obsession, my toxic beliefs. I actually even feel more intelligent! More creative. I feel like I could start my own business, & this isn't what I came to Sammi for. I have so much space & passion in my life.

Millie Haughley

"I have spent my life from my teens in disordered eating & body dysmorphia. After years of therapy & hospital I believed this would be my life forever, this time the game changer was the hypnotherapy for me. I didn't realise the impact memories had on me, and memories I couldn't bring up when being asked face to face by psychiatrists. Finally after 23 years I am eating normally & not living in constant worry around food. I haven't binged once since our session. I am doing things I haven't done since I was a teenager. I feel free ”

Kimmie Thompson

What clients are saying...

"I feel like I have told everyone I speak to about how Sammi has changed my life. I have never been as happy as I am now, I’ve never felt this amount of Self Love in my life, and I’ve finally let go of and moved on from my past. I’ve tried 4 different therapists before, and none of them helped or healed me like RTT.Sammi has such a calm, loving and understanding approach, and I would pay so much for this session because IT WORKS! RTT is literally life changing.”

Hannah Jarvis

“It takes balls to do some of the things I do, and Ive always been a risk taker, but now I take those risks with confidence & a sense of self assurance that whatever happens I'll figure it out. I can't even begin to put into words what RTT with Sammi has done for me and my life”

Harry Amelia

“I was struggling with self sabotage in my business, I found Sammi & loved her personality. My progress just gets better & better, I am showing up in my business in ways I haven't before. Clients are now magnetised to me! I felt so comfortable & the technique felt so free'ing. I definitely recommend Sammi & RTT.”

Amy Wilkinson