Become the most highly valued and desired, top tier standard version of you, to attract the high quality relationship, and treatment of your dreams.
GLOW UP your identity, & become the Luckiest Girl love.
The Self Love Boss

Fall in love with yourself, & manifest the HIGHEST QUALITY relationship.

Are you struggling in your relationship, or in never ending failed dating? Chasing for their attention, validation, and affection. You feel like the girl that will never get her happy ending. You are finding continuous evidence to prove that you aren't worthy, loved, or good enough for others. You have tried everything to get them to change, or for you to be chosen. You feel like it is a constant cycle of you trying to prove yourself better than any competition, and needing constant reassurance that they won't leave. Then the GLOW UP membership will change your life.

Get the GLOW UP

Become the girl who gets everything she wants...

Self Secure & Confident AF

Becoming the most self loving, confident, and highly valued version of you. Every version of you is available, and the once you dominantly be, attracts the relationship, and life in direct correlation to it. A complete re-invention to the version of you who is madly in love with herself, views herself as the highest standard, on the top of the tier, and a catch any one is lucky to win. Healing from your past you will be given a new start, a new life, and it will be on your terms, you get to be the Woman you want to be, and in accordance with the value you place upon yourself, is the way other people will value you too. You will naturally manifest the best of love, the best version of your person, and the best in all areas of your life, by glowing up to the most expensive, precious, and self worthy version of you. Your past will become irrelevant, and you will be the CEO of your future. You get to have what you want, and it is without a doubt in your mind, your destiny.

Soul Mate, Princess Treatment, Forever Lasting Love

Your partner is the mirror reflection to the version of you that you embody, and now as the Luckiest girl in love, it is inevitable that you get the very best of your partner. The chasing and desperation is replaced with them bending over backwards to make you happy, to win you over, and to mutually show one another how much love you have. As you see the best in yourself, you see the best in others, and you have untouchable trust, faith, and certain knowing in your relationship. You have zero doubt in the love others have for you. Of course they do. You access the most magnetic, feminine version of you, that attracts your masculine, protector, and provider partner. Either a brand new relationship, or activation the best version of the person you are already with. As you have no doubt in yourself, the fear you once felt around love is replaced with safety, and you believe in what you are going to have, nothing worries you anymore. There is no competition, and this level of self love, confidence, and trust in the relationship, is to you person, the most irresistible thing about you.

Manifesting The Luckiest Girl Life

You have the blueprint to follow that will transform your entire life, by who you become. As you identify as the highest standard, top tier, luckiest girl, the Universe WILL match up to you, and mirror back the love you have for yourself. You are a magnet to everything you believe about you, and what you get to have. You know who you are, you know where you are going, and you know you are worthy of it all. You show up, you commit to yourself, you like yourself, and you believe that you get to have whatever you dream of. Your entire inner world is wired and fired with phenomenal love, confidence, and certainty that now attracts success in all areas of your life. As people, and situations, respond back to who you now are. It was all a mindset and energy shift. You now hold the power to live out the life you have always wanted, by hacking your subconscious, and Universal laws to be rigged in your favour.


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Early Bird Sale Monthly Subscription

  • My HOT AF High Value Woman GLOW UP daily formula.
  • The Luckiest Girl In Love V.I.P training modules.
  • One monthly exclusive coaching call. The chance to ask your questions, share your results, and send in your requests.
  • One monthly secret podcast episode.
  • BONUS community group page. 

Leave behind the girl who never gets her happy ending...

I'm Just Not That Girl

Up to this point in your life you have felt like, and so identified as a low value version of yourself. A girl who doesn’t seem to get properly treated, doesn’t get the love or person she really desires, there has always been a way this belief has physically manifested in your relationships. Either never working out, or the one you are with not the version of them, or the dynamics that you want it to be. With this inner rule book, belief systems, and energy, you just expect the failure in love, you don’t trust in love, and you definitely don’t believe you are the top tier, highest standard catch. This activates your anxious attachment, chasing for love, desperate for reassurance, and ultimately repelling exactly what you want. You have always felt like you have to settle for bare minimum, low effort, or just stick with whatever you get. You have believed you are lacking something you see other Women have. You just don’t have that kind of luck. But now this version of you, and this relationship is no longer working for you.

I'm Not Good Enough

Your current self concept (aka belief systems) is over consumed with beliefs of in-adequacy, not being enough, never being chosen, and that life doesn't get to work out for you. There are dreams you have for yourself, a relationship you wish you could experience, but you can't imagine ever receiving, or experiencing this kind of life. You don't feel worthy, or deserving to actually experience the life, or the love you really want. Comparing yourself, and your life to those around you, catapults you into a deeps sense of lack, dissatisfaction, unfulfilment, and unworthiness. From there as we operate via our subconscious minds and the programs we believe in, you continuously find evidence to prove that you aren’t good enough. You believe you aren’t good enough for someone else's love, and that there is better options out there than you. You believe you need to change to meet their expectations, to be valued by them, to get the green tick that you are worth their time and attention. But often this isn’t the case, as you have mentally placed other people on a pedestal of importance above yourself. Your relationships are continuous failures, and/or only ever reaching bare minimum standards.

Mrs Anxiously Attached

Your past has programmed your attachment style to not believe in love, to not have trust in love, and to definitely not have faith that it can work out for you. Your attachment style makes you attracted to people who are already displaying the bare minimum effort, as your mind believes this is your chance to win their love. Not only do you place others above yourself, but you become zombies to their wants, needs, and demands, all because you are so afraid of abandonment happening again. This means you settle for low standards, simply because you body is unable to cope with the fear and pain the experience of rejection brings you.   You’ll do anything to keep them, whilst you deeply believing it won’t last.




Get the GLOW UP

The formula to heal your relationship barriers, & Glow Up your identity, to attract a high value love, and life.

Your life, and the people in it, respond to WHO you are. Your life is a physical manifestation of your subconscious mind programming. Combining RTT, a mind blowing, life changing, science backed therapy modality to permanently heal your insecure attachment style, with my proven daily formula based around subconscious mind reprogramming, you will become the most self loving, and highly valued version of yourself. THE top tier catch. Your highest standard self, which as a bi-product will transform the standard of people and relationships you attract, (and the rest of your life too). NEVER chase after love again. GLOW UP your magnetism, to attract with confidence, and certainty, exactly what you deserve.

What's Included?

Sammi's Proven High Value Woman Formula

Alongside the world renowned Rapid Transformational Therapy that Sammi is qualified at Clinical level in, she has created a daily subconscious reprogramming formal to literally BECOME the version of you who is experiencing the relationship, and life you dream of. You are the magnet to your life, and so it is you that we need to GLOW UP internally. You will follow the steps to heal your insecure attachment style with RTT, and then your daily reprogramming formula.

Lucky Girl Training Modules

To have success, we need to be set up for it. With these training modules you will never questions again how you had the life you once did, how you become this version of yourself, you will now know with these exclusive training modules. They will set you up with all the knowledge you need to understand how you manifest your relationships, and reality. They will be added to upon what is most requested. 

Monthly Live Coaching Call

These coaching calls with TEN FOLD your results. They are an opportunity to send in all of your questions, and amazing results, whilst also uncovering more information, tips, and tricks for rapid success. They will be recorded so that you can listen to them on repeat, and take what you need. Do not miss out on the chance to have in person time with Sammi.

Monthly Secret Podcast Episode

As an extra unreal bonus you will receive an exclusive, membership only podcast episode every month. As Sammi grows personally, and professionally, you will get the hottest information that Sammi won't be sharing anywhere else. Use these as extra coaching sessions to multiply the speed of your results. As with everything else they will be stored in the membership for life time access.

Sammi - The Self Love Boss

Sammi is the Queen of identity GLOW UP. An expert in healing anxious attachment, to then manifest high quality love and success in life. 


Sammi created this formula because she needed it for herself. In 2021 her life was falling apart as a result of post partum anxiety, desperation to be loved, and the disastrous attempts to make her business a success so that she could be with her daughter. Her relationship was moments away from ending, her self worth was non existent, and her self loathing blocked any kind of success from coming in.


As a Clinical Hypnotherapist trained in Rapid Transformational Therapy, and a Certified Life Coach, Sammi figured out how to GLOW UP her own identity, which levelled up what, and who she attracted in her life.


Now in 2024 Sammi is pregnant with her second daughter with her fiancé, continuously increasing success in her business, experiencing huge quantum leaps, and so much more. All as a result of her discipline and dedication to activating her highest standard and TOP TIER identity.


In this membership it has have been broken down as an easy to follow formula, for you to also experience this mind blowing transformation in your life.

Get the GLOW UP


ÂŁ48 ÂŁ37

Early Bird Sale Monthly Subscription

  • My HOT AF High Value Woman GLOW UP daily formula.
  • The Luckiest Girl In Love V.I.P training modules.
  • One monthly exclusive coaching call. The chance to ask your questions, share your results, and send in your requests.
  • One monthly secret podcast episode.
  • BONUS community group page.