Attract the Man who pursues, protects, & FULLY takes care of you, whilst you BLOW UP your business, and clients chase you down.

The academy for Women to completely transform both the men they attract, and the money they make. I hypnotise Women into their Main character identity, and magnetic gorgeous feminine energy, to fully be taken care of by a healthy man, and BLOW UP her business (career). Wether you are single, dating, or in a long term relationship, and wether you have a business, a career path, or dream you haven't yet started, you will be taken through the ultimate dreamy girl transformation to live that dreamy life. A Man who bends over backwards for you, pursues you, protects, and provides for you. A business with clients who are obsessed with your work, ask how they can pay you, and making money whilst living your Dreamy Girl lifestyle. From bare minimum to Queen treatment in every area of your life.

Join the GLOW UP

The Dreamy Girl Academy

Self Assured & Magnetic Girlie

Become the version of yourself that you, your healthy masculine, and your obsessed clients, are head over heels into. Every version of you is available, and the one you dominantly embody, attracts the relationship, money, and that lifestyle, in direct correlation to it. A complete re-invention to the Dreamy Girl who already exists within you. Madly in love with yourself, embodying magnetic feminine energy, view yourself as the prize, on the top of the tier, and a catch your man and clients are chasing. Heal from your past, those abandonment wounds, and live out your fullest potential. Your partner will mirror back the high value that you place upon yourself. You will naturally manifest the best of love, the best version of your person, and let all of life fully take care of you. Glow up using subconscious reprogramming into the most expensive, precious, and self worthy version of you. You get to have what you want, as whatever you desire is in fact your future destiny.

Queen Treatment in Love and Business

Your partner, and business, is responding to the current version of you. As you embody the Luckiest girl in love, a magnet to money and clients, this is what will be your future reality. The chasing and desperation for your man to pursue you, is replaced with them bending over backwards to make you happy, to win you over, and to be your hero. The doing all the things and seeing no results, will be replaced with client being obsessed, signing up, and making money whilst you sleep. You access the most magnetic, feminine version of you, that attracts your masculine, protector, and provider partner. Either a brand new relationship, or activate the best version of the person you are already with. The fear you once felt around love and success is replaced with confident, certain self assurance, contentment, security, and safety. There is no competition. Obsessed with yourself and living your best life is the most irresistible magnet for being the Queen of your Universe.

Manifesting The Luckiest Girl Life

You have the blueprint to follow that will transform your entire life, by who you become. As you identify as the highest standard, top tier, luckiest girl, the Universe WILL match up to you, and mirror back the love you have for yourself. You are a magnet to everything you believe about you, and what you get to have. You know who you are, you know where you are going, and you know you are worthy of it all. You show up, you commit to yourself, you really f*cking like yourself, and you believe that you get to have whatever you dream of. Your self concept is programmed with phenomenal love, confidence, and certainty that now attracts success in all areas of your life. As people, and situations, respond back to who you now are. You now hold the power to live out the life you have always wanted, by hacking your subconscious mind, and the Universal laws to be rigged in your favour.

The Dreamy Girl Academy


Monthly Subscription

  • My Dreamy Girl GLOW UP hypnosis formula. To become a powerful magnet to your healthy masculine who FULLY takes care of you, and clients chasing after you.
  • Rapid Transformational Therapy to permanently heal the abandonment, and low self worth wounds. Removing the blocks to attract what you want.
  • The Luckiest Girl In Love and BLOW UP your business exclusive training modules. 
  • One monthly group coaching call. Ask your questions, share your results, and get the training my 1:1 clients have.
  • Monthly HOT new content added, training modules, and GLOW UP tools. PLUS you get to make personal requests.

Sammi - The Self Love Boss

I hypnotise the girlies to embody their most magnetic selves, who effortlessly, just by existing, attract a Man who pursues them, FULLY takes care of them, and bends over backwards for them, whilst becoming the Main Character in their business. 

Our two favourite things. A healthy, masculine, hero, leader man, and making money unapologetically through a business that fulfils our heart, joy, and purpose.

I created this formula because I needed it for myself. In 2021 my life was falling apart as a result of post partum anxiety, desperation to be loved, and the disastrous attempts to make my business a success, so that I could be at home with my first daughter. My relationship was moments away from ending, my self worth was non existent, and my self loathing blocked any kind of success from being attracted to me.

I was repelling the very things I desired.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist trained in Rapid Transformational Therapy, and a Certified Life Coach, I figured out how to GLOW UP my own identity, and embody my future magnetic self, which levelled up what, and who I attracted in my life.

Now in 2025, I am at home with my second daughter, a dream come true, as my business works on autopilot for me. My feminine energy has attracted the lifestyle I was trying to manifest for years, and the version of my Man that quite literally bends over backwards for me, steps up every day, protects me, pursues me still to this day after 17 years of being together, and overall makes my nervous system feel safe.

This is now available for you in the academy too.

Join the GLOW UP

Leave behind the girl who is never pursued and always chasing...

The formula to heal your relationship and business blocks, to be a magnet for your masculine Hero, and dream business.

I combine RTT, a mind blowing, life changing, science backed therapy modality to permanently heal your insecure attachment style, with my proven daily formula based around subconscious mind reprogramming, you will become the most self loving, and highly valued version of yourself. THE top tier catch. Your highest standard self, which as a bi-product will transform the standard of people and relationships you attract, (and the rest of your life too). NEVER chase after the man or clients again. GLOW UP your magnetism, to attract effortlessly what you want.

What's Included?

The formula to become THE most highly desired & attractive Woman to your man, and your dream business.

Alongside the world renowned Rapid Transformational Therapy that Sammi is qualified at Clinical level in, she has created a daily subconscious reprogramming formal to literally BECOME the version of you who is experiencing the relationship, and life you dream of. You are the magnet to your life, and so it is you that we need to GLOW UP internally. You will follow the steps to heal your insecure attachment style with RTT, and then your daily reprogramming formula.

Luckiest Girl in Love, & BLOW UP your Business Training Modules.

To have success, we need to be set up for it. With these training modules you will never questions again how you had the life you once did, how you become this version of yourself, you will now know with these exclusive training modules. They will set you up with all the knowledge you need to understand how you manifest your relationships, and reality. They will be added to upon what is most requested. 

Monthly Live Coaching Masterclasses.

These coaching calls with TEN FOLD your results. They are an opportunity to send in all of your questions, and amazing results, whilst also uncovering more information, tips, and tricks for rapid success. They will be recorded so that you can listen to them on repeat, and take what you need. Do not miss out on the chance to have in person time with Sammi.

Monthly new tools, content, to energetically, and practically anchor in your future magnetic self.

As an extra unreal bonus you will get regular updates in all sections of the membership, from new training modules, to the hottest recordings added to the formula. I want you to have the best of the best as I personally attract greater results, and my clients do too, you will be the first to access the new tools, and info to get exactly what you are here to receive. 

The Dreamy Girl Academy


Monthly Subscription

  • My Dreamy Girl GLOW UP hypnosis formula. To become a powerful magnet to your healthy masculine who FULLY takes care of you, and clients chasing after you.
  • Rapid Transformational Therapy to permanently heal the abandonment, and low self worth wounds. Removing the blocks to attract what you want.
  • The Luckiest Girl In Love and BLOW UP your business exclusive training modules. 
  • One monthly group coaching call. Ask your questions, share your results, and get the training my 1:1 clients have.
  • Monthly HOT new content added, training modules, and GLOW UP tools. PLUS you get to make personal requests.